Sunday, February 23, 2014

Champions. New Home Little Dribblers Girls' Mini's.

It's been a while. It's been a while for lots of things...but it's been a while since I've been behind the camera for Abby's team! I forgot how much I love it. 

New Home had 2 teams for Abby's age group this year. Six players each. I'm tired already, are you? Great playing time. Great exposure to the game. Exhausting. This weekend was the "ending" tournament at O'Donnell, TX. Monica and I coached Addie & Abby's team ... we have the last three years. Great times. Will never ever forget it or trade it. But. No camera. :( Jay and Karen Johnston coached the other New Home team this year. Great people. On Thursday we found out that our team had one injured player, one sick player and one player that needed to be at the Steer Sale (great problem! Congrats!). We decided it was time to combine teams. Wow. Never did I imagine the ball that would be played for 12 hours on a typical Saturday. I've not watched ball like this in years. Hustle. Determination. Hardwork. And some serious flinging all over the court. 

I'm gonna jump ahead to the spoiler: We won that tournament, Baby! "We" didn't. A group of hungry 9-10 year olds did. And let me say...they were led by a terrific guy and his wife. Abby's not generally the type to insist on a "certain" picture (she likes pics in general. all the time. of herself. of anything. ha), but she INSISTED on this: "Mom. Mom. I want a picture with Coach Jay. Mom. With the big Ball. Mom" (and yeah. she had already taken her jersey off. She didn't care.) 

That speaks. Thanks, Jay. :)'s the Victory Pic!

When i say work, I mean they worked every second they were on the floor. The photos will speak for themselves. We played with 2 refs the first two games. The next game we had 1 ref and one coach that volunteered to ref. For the Championship ref. Poor guy! He busted his tail and did the best he could. But. No one person can catch everything. Kudos to him.
Back to the photo....
Coaches Jay & Karen Johnston
Top Row: Lexi, Rebecca, Leslie, Leah, McKenzie and her little sister...#1 mascot.
Bottom Row: Reagan, Abby, Makayla, Addie & Carley
Let me add...Carley played about half-sick. She went home Thursday with the stomach bug, but came out and played her heart out (and stomach) for the first 3 games. Great  job Carley!

Enjoy the pics...believe me...there's about 1000 more...I just wanted to get these out for you to see quickly! Can't wait for the next go-round. Great job Ms. Abby Kay, and great job girls!